Breton Humors

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Hammersmith & Fulham London-UK
Irish Library
The Irish library was founded in 1994 when the books from the Irish section of the now defunct Greater London Council were saved from being dispersed by David Whiteley, who worked for the Hammersmith & Fulham Council. David died shortly afterwards but his memory is held in esteem by all who use and are involved in this the only public Irish library in the British Isles.
The Irish library is in many ways self supporting for a continuous line of volunteers have given their time and expertise to literally erect the shelves and catalogue the books and be there to advise and support people in their quest for Irish books. From the opening of the library, people in London, mainly Irish, have given generously and Hammersmith & Fulham Council have also been supportive in their donation of Irish books. |
We now have regular contributors, particularly Mai O'Hare who gives a donation twice a year to buy books in memory of her husband Frank, and Denis Jones who very often gives us a range of the latest Irish books. Denis has now offered to fund the computerisation of all our books and this will be a considerable asset in checking and finding books. Moira Jenks sends us beautiful books from Boston, USA, and is a loyal supporter. Many of our users give us books and we have had bequests when Irish people have died. Book publishers have been brilliant and have surprised us with their encouragement. |
A whole cross section of people use the Irish library. The writers for Ballykissangel, the Irish television soap, used our books to research their characters and even interviewed our readers to flesh out their creations. Many students have called in to find material for their theses from the experiences of second generation Irish in London to the extent of depression on Irish women in England. Musicians and the buskers from the Hammersmith underpass have used our Irish music tapes and videos to discover new songs and fine tune some old ones. People have come in tracing their Irish roots and we had a black gentleman from the West Indies who was encouraged by our help to carry on his mission and go to Ireland and find his forefathers. Americans and Canadians are very frequent and we assist where we can and cheer them along the family discovery road. |
The Irish pensioner on her way to the Friday group will drop in for a book or video and the Irishman newly retired or off sick will find time to read about his culture and maybe understand a little more where he came from and what dictated it. We presently have an exhibition of old Irish record sleeves which were donated by Tony Donnellan and these catch the eye beside the impressive array of Irish books on the upper landing beneath the light enhancing dome.
If there is any way that you would like to help us by either sending us a donation or contributing Irish books, tapes or records or indeed anything of a historical Irish nature, for example old photographs, feel free to contact us at the Irish library.
We feel that this is an important resource for the Irish in London and know that the hard work of all the volunteers and staff will bear good fruit in an appreciation of our Irish heritage, so very important when we are away from our roots.
The David Whiteley Irish Library
The only Public Irish library in England.

This is a community library set in an Irish Center.
Irish in London you may need this library to study, browse or borrow a book.
(computer room + many facilities)
Time to time Irish exhibitions are set up by the library |
The David Whiteley Irish Library
TEL 020 8563 8232 FAX 020 8563 8233 email

A Breton Humors Production . ©1996-2000