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My Armorial
Breizh atao


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Brit·ta·ny (brît¹n-ê) also Bre·tagne (bre-tän¹ye) - Breizh in Breton
Celtic historical country

Northwest 'near' France on a peninsula
between the English Channel and the Bay of Biscay.
In  500AD, Brythonics driven out of their homeland
by the Anglo-Saxons 'immigrated' to Armoric.
The country was illegally 'annexed' by France in 1532. (in french)

Language: Breton - Breizhoneg

Language is the badge of a society as it is the medium though which culture is transmitted. Breton is still the badge of our identity although, ironically too many of our nationals don't speak it. It does, however, live on in their minds and hearts. The natural developments of the Breton system were stunted by the imposition of French law in Brittany in 1958.

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The Bretons are by nature conservative. They cling with almost equal attachment to their local customs and their religious superstitions. It was not till the 17th century that paganism was even nominally abolished in some parts, and there is probably no district in Europe where the popular Christianity has assimilated more from earlier creeds. Witchcraft and the influence of fairies are still often believed in. The costume of both sexes is very peculiar both in cut and colour, but varies considerably in different districts. Bright red, violet and blue are much used, not only by the women, but in the coats and waistcoats of the men. The reader will find full illustrations of the different styles in Bouet's _Breiz-izel, ou vie des Breions de l'Armorique_ (1844). The Celtic language is still spoken in lower Brittany. Four dialects are pretty clearly marked (see the article CELT: _Language_, "_Breton_," p. 328). Nowhere has the taste for marvellous legends been kept so green as in Brittany; and an entire folk-literature still flourishes there, as is manifested by the large number of folk-tales and folk-songs which have been collected of late years.


Breizh Atao - Brittany Ever

While the current political struggle remains to be won, we continue to be oppressed with the reality and trappings of an imposed system whose culture does not give true expression to our interests and aspirations as a people or to our experiences and values as individuals. This is a racist, alien culture which everywhere suggests and implies that we Bretons are somewhat "flawed" - a racist culture which can cause us to doubt our worth and our contribution to society and which, throughout its pervasive "common-sense" appeal does inevitably cause some of our people to internalise the negative image of Bretonness which for centuries has been and continues still to be, one of its structural features.

Aman Ez Derou An Passion

Kentdre-bi oanoan-ig pask da goan d'ar yaouugam-blid
Elam-as a zaedi-war e c'hor-re en mab Da-vid
Trien e zis-ki-bien a wal-c'has kem-pann kent n'o fre-nas
e- no war al lec'h e tre e zi vrec'h hen o ze c'has

Ouz ar mestile al piou ve dis-le-al a zroug a li
Tru-bard van an dour na fals mar-c'ha dou Yu-daz fall ki
Rak dre bi-zou-ni en graet mat a di gant ar mesir bras
Ouz-ar priz dis ter a dre-gont di-ner Dou-e Wer-zas

Gant harp ar brin-sed bo-det holl d'ar red war half Kai-faz
E reas ar mar-c'had da wer-za a dad paour kez Yu-daz
E-vel ur c'hi fall gantke-ment a vall kalz her gwel-as
E-Wer-zas Je-zuz o mar-c'had eu-zus Di-Wez si-waz

Gant harp ar brin-sed bo-det holl d'ar red war half Kai-faz
Gant harp ar brin-sed bo-det holl d'ar red war half Kai-faz
E reas ar mar-c'had da wer-za e dad paour kez Yu-daz
E reas ar mar-c'had da wer-za e dad paour kez Yu-daz
E reas ar mar-c'had da wer-za e dad paour kez Yu-daz

Breton adaptation by Goul'chan Keruella

Breton Humors


Black Faces Award

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Ce site n'est pas soumis aux Lois Moldaves, Vannetaises, Poldaviennes ou Bretonnes, mais aux Lois du Royaume Uni.